Na zalihi. Spremno za slanje.
Nema na zalihama.
Gotovo spreman. Isporučuje se 25. srpnja.
Ginkgo Staklena boca pomoći će ti da piješ više vode, a istovremeno brineš za okoliš. Napravljena od najkvalitetnijeg borosilikatnog stakla, istovremeno služi kao podsjetnik za hidrataciju i modni dodatak
Boca: visokokvalitetno borosilikatno staklo
Poklopac: metalno obložen nehrđajući čelik, tritan, silikonski prsten
Dizajniran u Sloveniji , Proizvedeno u Europi
Kutija za slanje je napravljena od kartona koji se može u cjelosti reciklirati.
Svi detalji na kutiji otisnuti su ekološki prihvatljivim bojama.
Boca: Redovito ispiranje i pranje sapunom i toplom vodom. Za temeljito čišćenje koristi EQUA tablete ili set za čišćenje boce.
Dok bocu ne koristiš pohrani je bez čepa, kako bi se unutrašnjost osušila.
Boca i čep nisu sigurni za perilicu posuđa.
Odaberite područje dostave:
Vrijeme isporuke je 3 - 7 radnih dana
Cijene dostave:
Thank you for submitting a review!
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Great quality, super cute packaging and fast delivery:) will purchase again!
I already have two bottles and they've served me for some time. The only reason why I am not giving it a 5 stars is because it's hard to clean the bottle and the cap gets the moldy black color inside even though I clean it often (it can never be cleaned to look as the first time when you use it). I think it's because of the material of the cap. Nevertheless, I haven't found better water bottles for now, so I would recommend them.
Very well made glass water bottle but i just wish that the mouth area is wider enough for easy cleaning and drinking.
Perfect size for carrying it around but I just wish the mouth is wide enough for drinking and easy cleaning but nevertheless the design and the glass itself is very well made. Love that it has a protective cover so it is resilient to breakage when you drop.
I am very happy with the bottles and have bought them before from you. I was disappointed with the shipping as the item was promised to be delivered on July 4th and did not arrive until the 11th.